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This is how we transported an 800 kg window glass to the Croatian coast

This is how we transported an 800 kg window glass to the Croatian coast!

July 25, 2023 at 9:53 AM

This is how we transported an 800 kg window glass to the Croatian coast!

After a journey of some 670 kilometres, CE Glass' largest ever insulating glass has arrived! The 5-meter wide, 13.5-square-meter glass monstrosity was assembled from three tempered glass panels, and the finished structure weighs more than 800 kilograms. Moving glass sheets of this size required special lifting equipment and our staff had to be extremely careful during the production process - says our sales colleague Árpád Burány

In one of our last big projects, our client wanted to install a huge single continuous glass surface in a holiday home, as it was a building with a panoramic view of the Croatian coast.

One of the special features of this project was that we were involved from the design phase of the building. This was necessary so that the designers could size the windows of the building from the very beginning so that they were no larger than we could manufacture. Our factory is the only one in the region that can produce insulated glass of this size.

Why did the client choose CE Glass for this project?

Apart from the large size of the glass, the client chose us over many others because we are in constant contact with our clients, we are in constant communication with them about all the details, they can ask us for our opinion and we can provide the right professional support.

The vast majority of our customers have no in-depth knowledge of glass as a raw material, as it is our business, so they expect this expertise from us, and we need to be able to answer any questions our partners may have.

We have also developed a relationship of trust with this customer over the years, if he wants to order glass, he orders it from CE Glass.

What challenges did you face during the project?

The production itself was a challenge, it's not everyday that we have to produce the largest glass available. It took a concerted effort from our colleagues, requiring a lot of concentration, to assemble this huge structure, and we also had to use special glass lifting equipment.

The other major challenge was the transport itself: the glass had to be secured on the transport vehicle so that it would arrive unbroken during the hundreds of kilometres of journey. The distance had to be covered over unpleasant terrain: high hills, tight bends, slippery roads, so the driver had to be very careful.

Of course, the glass arrived safely, it was installed, the customer is happy and we are happy that this project was a success.


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