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Kollégáink mondták - Dr. Juhász Gergely

Our colleagues said - Dr. Gergely Juhász

August 13, 2024 at 10:57 AM

Our colleagues play a decisive role in our success, and they contribute every day to shaping the future with our modern, innovative solutions.

We are proud to provide them not only with a job, but also with opportunities for development.

Our senior legal advisor Dr. Gergely Juhász will strengthen our team from April 2023 and support our company in the legal field with his expertise:
"I gained a lot of new experience and knowledge here, such as conflict management or time management.

I especially like that CE Glass builds on us and supports our professional and personal development, as well as giving us space to learn about other areas.
What I like most in my work are the continuous professional challenges, which spur development, and the company programs also motivate me."

Another colleague will be introduced soon, stay with us and get to know the other members of our team!

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