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Joining forces with the Rotary Club for a family

Joining forces with the Rotary Club for a family

March 29, 2022 at 9:05 AM

We believe it's important not only to create a reliable workplace for our employees, but also to have a positive impact on our immediate environment and local communities. We regularly support local and neighbourhood families, children and talented people.

This was the case with our programme to support families in Szatymaz in 2021. That's when we met Brigitta Börcsök, who unfortunately was left alone with her four young children and in very difficult circumstances. The youngest child was only a few months old.

Together with Rotary Club members, we started a large-scale project to help the family move to new, better conditions. A farmhouse in Satymaz that had been vacant for years, a long series of negotiations and negotiations, and the active involvement of many excellent people - all these things together formed the backbone of this great project, which will come to an end in the coming weeks.

Brigitta and her four children, with the help of CE Glass and Rotary Club members, will soon move into a renovated building that will be a huge step forward in their lives after the losses and difficulties they have experienced.

Brigitta has now joined the CE Glass team and contributes to the work of the company with her excellent performance.

It is great to be an active part of such an initiative. We believe that everyone should help their fellow human beings as much as they can. This project is a good example of the power of local cooperation and we hope that it will inspire others.

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